Source code for makeShapeFunctions

This is a set of convience functions for creating shapes.

import os
from Graphics import *


[docs]def makeDebugColor(r, g, b, a, debug): """ Creates visible or invisible color depending on the debug flag If debug is True, creates the indicated color; otherwise returns a transparant color. Args: r: The red component. g: The green component. b: The blue component. a: The alpha component. debug: Boolean, indicating whether this should be a 'visible' color. Returns: Returns the indicated color if debug is True; returns an invisible transparant color if debug is False. """ if debug: return makeColor(r, g, b, a) else: return makeColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs]def makeDebugPicture(picture, debug): """ Takes a picture and makes all pixels transparant. Args: avatar: Picture object. debug: Boolean. If false, this function return the avatar unmodified. """ if debug: for pixel in picture.getPixels(): if pixel.getAlpha() > 0: pixel.setAlpha(120) else: #Assuming that we did not change the pixels in the images manually, #this should revert the picture back to before debug-mode, preserving #any other transformations. #If we did change the pixels manually, then, well, I guess we should #not switch back out of debug mode. #originalPicture = Picture(picture.filename) #picture.setPixels(originalPicture) pass return picture
[docs]def makePic(fileName, scale=1.0): """ Takes a filename and create a centered picture without border. Args: fileName: The name of a file containing a picture (.jpg and .png are supported) scale: The scale of the picture. Returns: A Picture object. """ if isinstance(fileName, Picture): pic = fileName elif isinstance(fileName, str) and os.path.isfile(fileName): pic = Picture(fileName) else: pic = Picture(IMAGE_PATH + "error.png") pic.border = 0 pic.scale(scale) pic.moveTo(0,0) return pic
[docs]def makeCircle(radius=50, color=Color("blue"), bodyType="static", x=0, y=0): """ Creates a :class:`~Graphics.Circle` that can be added to the simulator. Args: radius: float indicating the radius of the circle. color: :class:`~Graphics.Color` for both the fill and border of the rectangle. bodyType: string indicating whether this rectangle should be moved by the simulator. Options are: "static" or "dynamic". x: float indicating the x coordinate of the rectangle. y: float indicating the y coordinate of the rectangle. """ if isinstance(color, str): color = Color(color) if hasattr(color, "__getitem__"): if len(color) == 3: color = makeColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], 255) if len(color) == 4: color = makeColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[4]) collisionCircle = Circle((x,y), radius, color=color, bodyType=bodyType) return collisionCircle
[docs]def makeRectangle(w=100, h=100, color=Color("blue"), outline=None, fill=None, bodyType="static", x=0, y=0): """ Creates a :class:`~Graphics.Rectangle` that can be added to the simulator. Args: w: float indicating the width of the rectangle. h: float indicating the heigth of the rectangle. color: :class:`~Graphics.Color` for both the fill and border of the rectangle. outline: :class:`~Graphics.Color` for the border of the rectangle. fill: :class:`~Graphics.Color` for the fill of the rectangle. bodyType: string indicating whether this rectangle should be moved by the simulator. Options are: "static" or "dynamic". x: float indicating the x coordinate of the rectangle. y: float indicating the y coordinate of the rectangle. """ if isinstance(color, str): color = Color(color) if hasattr(color, "__getitem__"): if len(color) == 3: color = makeColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], 255) if len(color) == 4: color = makeColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[4]) rectangle = Rectangle((x,y), (x+w,y+h)) rectangle.fill = color rectangle.outline = color if fill: rectangle.fill = fill if outline: rectangle.outline = outline return rectangle
[docs]def makeColCircle(radius, bodyType="static"): """ Creates a transparant circle with the indicated radius Args: radius: The radius of the circle. bodyType: The body type of the circle, either 'dynamic' or 'static'. Returns: A Circle object. """ collisionCircle = Circle((0,0), radius) collisionCircle.bodyType = bodyType collisionCircle.border = 0 collisionCircle.fill = makeColor(0,0,0,0) return collisionCircle
[docs]def makeColRec(width, height, bodyType="static"): """ Creates a transparant, centered rectangle of the indicated width and height. Args: width: The width of the rectangle height: The height of the rectangle bodyType: The body type of the rectangle, either 'dynamic' or 'static'. """ rec = Rectangle((0,0), (width, height)) rec.bodyType = bodyType rec.border = 0 rec.fill = makeColor(0,0,0,0) rec.moveTo(0, 0) return rec
[docs]def makeColCircleAvatar(avatar, bodyType="static"): """ Creates an invisible circle based on the size of an avatar. Creates a transparant circle with a radius equal to the smallest side of the avatar. Args: avatar: Usually a Picture object, must implement getP1() and getP2(). Returns: A Circle object. """ width = abs(avatar.getP1().x - avatar.getP2().x) height = abs(avatar.getP1().y - avatar.getP2().y) radius = min(width, height)/2 return makeColCircle(radius, bodyType)
[docs]def makeText(text=" ", size=16, color=Color(0,0,0), xjust="left", yjust="bottom", pos=(0,0), bodyType="static"): """ Creates a text object with the Helvetica font. Not much different from creating a text object manually, but applies the standard Scribbler Adventure font, which is currently Helvetica, and makes the color black, which is arguably more useful than Calico's purple. Args: text (string): The text to display in the text object. size (float): The font size of the text. color (:class:`.Color`): The color of the text. xjust (string): Horizontal alignment of the text. Options are: 'left', 'right', and 'center'. yjust (string): Vertical alignment of the text. Options are: 'top', 'bottom', and 'center'. bodyType (string): The body type of the text, used if the text is ever added to the physics simulator. Options are: 'static' and 'dynamic'. """ text = Text(pos, str(text), color=color) text.bodyType = bodyType text.yJustification = yjust text.xJustification = xjust text.fontFace = "Helvetica Neue Light" text.fontSize = size return text