Source code for conversation.speechBox

from Graphics import *
from fancyTextFunctions import *
from utilityFunctions import *
#from actors import *

[docs]class SpeechBox(object): """ The speech box shown to the player that displays the text of a conversation. """ def __init__(self, levelWindow, x=50, y=50, w=600, h=100, text=""): """ Constructs a SpeechBox object. Args: levelWindow: The LevelWindow associated with this SpeechBox. x: The x coordinate of the SpeechBox. y: The y coordinate of the SpeechBox. w: The width of the SpeechBox. x: The height of the SpeechBox. text: The text to be shown in the SpeechBox. """ self.levelWindow = levelWindow self.x = x self.y = y self.w = w self.h = h self.left_border = -(w/2) self.frame = Frame(0, 0) self.text = makeList(text) = None = Rectangle((self.x, self.y), (self.x+self.w, self.y+self.h)) = Color("white") = 1 = Color("black") self.frame.visible = False self.portrait = None self.portraitSize = 100 self.portraitOffset = 50 self.textOffset = 10 self.nextButtonWidth=70 self.nextButtonHeigth=30 self.nextButtonOffsetY=6 self.nextButtonOffsetX=-3 self.currentButton = None self.buttons = [] #Not thread safe, but pretending to be anyway. #def nextCount(self): # self.count += 1 # return self.count #def setText(self, text=""): # self.text = makeList(text) # #writeFancyText(, [text], x_pos_start=left_border+100, wrap=w-110, min_hspace=6) #def setPortrait(self, portrait=None): # self.portrait = portrait
[docs] def buildAndShow(self, hasNext=False): """ Actually builds and shows the SpeechBox. Args: hasNext: If True, the SpeechBox will have a 'more dialog is available' marker. """
[docs] def build(self, hasNext=False): """ Builds the SpeechBox. Args: hasNext: If True, the SpeechBox will have a 'more dialog is available' marker. """ #if # = Rectangle((self.x, self.y), (self.x+self.w, self.y+self.h), color=Color("white")) self.buttons = [] toUndraw = [] for s in toUndraw.append(s) for s in toUndraw: s.undraw(), self.y), Point(self.x+self.w, self.y), Point(self.x+self.w, self.y+self.h), Point(self.x, self.y+self.h)) if self.portrait: w = self.portrait.width*self.portrait.scaleFactor h = self.portrait.height*self.portrait.scaleFactor if w > self.portraitSize or h > self.portraitSize: self.portrait.scaleTo(float(self.portraitSize)/float(max(self.portrait.width, self.portrait.height))) #print(float(100)/float(max(self.portrait.width, self.portrait.height))) #self.portrait.scaleTo(0.2) self.portraitFrame = Frame(self.left_border + self.portraitOffset,0) self.portrait.draw(self.portraitFrame) self.portraitFrame.draw( #self.portrait.moveTo(self.left_border+50,0) x_pos = self.left_border + self.portraitSize x_wrap = self.w - self.portraitSize - self.textOffset writeText(, [Wrap(x_wrap, True)] + self.text, x_pos_start=x_pos) self.connectButtons(self.text) x_but_pos = self.w - self.nextButtonWidth + self.nextButtonOffsetX y_but_pos = self.h - self.nextButtonHeigth + self.nextButtonOffsetY if hasNext: #print("Show NEXT!") self.currentButton = createNextButton(, x_but_pos, y_but_pos, self.nextButtonWidth, self.nextButtonHeigth, "talk()", "next", Color(255, 235, 100), fS=16, shape="triangle") else: self.currentButton = createNextButton(, x_but_pos, y_but_pos, self.nextButtonWidth, self.nextButtonHeigth, "done", "done", Color(80, 166, 65), fS=16, shape="rectangle")
[docs] def connectButtons(self, obj): """ Connects buttons within the SpeechBox. Args: obj: The button to connect. """ if isinstance(obj, LRCButton): self.buttons.append(obj) if hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): for newObj in obj: self.connectButtons(newObj)
[docs] def draw(self, levelWindow): """ Adds this object to the level. Important: requires a LevelWindow object, not a Calico Window object. Args: levelWindow: A LevelWindow object. """ self.frame.draw(levelWindow.uiFrame) = self.frame.window"click", self.onClick)
[docs] def show(self): """ Makes the SpeechBox visible. """ self.frame.visible = True
[docs] def hide(self): """ Makes the SpeechBox invisible. """ self.frame.visible = False
[docs] def visible(self): """ Indicates whether the SpeechBox is currently visible. Return: True if the SpeechBox is visible, False otherwise. """ return self.frame.visible
[docs] def onClick(self,o,e): """ Callback function for if someone clicks on the SpeechBox. Args: o: Reference to the current window. e: Reference to the click event. """ for shape in self.buttons: if shape.hit(e.x,e.y): if shape.action is not None: shape.action()
#print("You have clicked on button:", shape.button) ## if self.currentButton and self.frame.visible: ## if self.currentButton.hit(e.x,e.y): ## if self.currentButton.tag=="next": ## pass ## elif self.currentButton.tag=="done": ## self.hide() #def undraw(self): # self.hide() #def softHide(self, count): # if count == self.count: # self.hide() #def silence(self): # """ # Synonym for hide. # """ # self.hide()